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The Arabia Steamboat Museum

A gem of a museum in the heart of Kansas City.

Forcing visitors through introductory videos can be challenging. But in this instance, it really works. You quickly become invested in the story as the anxiety to view the uncovered treasures builds.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

A series of 5-minute videos introduces you to the overall story and their passion for the project.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

In some places, watching the videos would be difficult given the tight corridors. But the museum opens up as you get past the first three screens where visitors begin to explore.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

The large working paddlewheel was an obvious draw, but also gave a sense of scale for the ship (as did the wooden floor, sized to match that of the ship's deck).

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Some large components were prominently displayed without protection.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

But most of the contents were carefully stored behind glass in dimly lit display cases.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Chatting with the on-site conservator was a highlight.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Some of the displays were extremely simplistic, although most still worked ok given good photography and scale.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Others felt slightly out of place.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Or just felt dated.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Overall though, the experience was fast, fun, and memorable. Definitely worth the visit. And if they realize the dream of creating a National Steamboat Museum, we'd visit in a heartbeat. And if we had the chance to help bring this vision to life, it would be a capstone project to be sure.

Upland Explored The Arabia Steamboat Museum