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FHD 2021 Week 31

For the last few years, I’ve written a weekly update for employees and a small group of people interested in the progress we’re making as a company. Short and sweet, mostly pictures.

This week I’ve decided to open it up to a broader audience.

Why? Many of you enjoy seeing glimpses into our process as we work on your projects. I think others that we’ve spoken to or worked with in the past would find similar enjoyment from seeing how we do what we do.

So why not share?

STEAM Equity delivered

We started the week shipping out the STEAM Equity project. I didn’t get many photos of the units before they left, but here are a few quick snapshots:

magic planet interactive

magic planet interactive

stop motion animation station

stop motion animation station

green screen control unit

green screen control unit

New flat pack reader rail products!

We also spent some time making prototypes of two new Upland flat pack products–freestanding and wall-mount reader rails.

I’m excited about both the freestanding and wall-mount versions of these rails because they’ll cost substantially less than the hardwood versions of reader rails we manufacture.

Jocelyn examining the Flat Pack Wall Mount Reader Rail prototype

Jocelyn examining the Flat Pack Wall Mount Reader Rail prototype

And as the name suggests, they’ll ship inexpensively too as they simply unbolt and fit nicely into a FedEx-able box. Assembly simply requires a few connector bolts and a hex wrench.

Both prototypes appear to work quite well, so we’re ready to start offering these to clients. The costs are turning out to be around half of what the hardwood versions take to make.

flat pack reader rail prototypes

flat pack reader rail prototypes

News Exhibit design concepts

Graham and Anthony worked to develop a new design concept for the news exhibit. It looks really sharp and has a few clever interactive ideas built in. Very nice work Graham and Anthony!

news exhibit job case graphic design news exhibit graphics

Isaac started cutting parts for a small prototype module so we can review the concepts and design in person. Pictures soon.


Jocelyn and Dan worked to finalize elements for our installation trip next week. Jocelyn made a custom, adjustable mount for Liggett’s overalls using our Wingspan connectors.

liggett overalls mount

She and Dan also finished installing the background graphics for the studio recreation.

applying exhibit graphics

Isaac got parts back from the powder coater for the visitor center sign. Unfortunately, the sign posts were finished in the wrong color, so we’re waiting for those parts before the installation can happen, but we’re a few weeks ahead of schedule so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m excited to see how these lighter parts contrast with the weathering steel as it rusts.

powder coated outdoor sign parts

Overall, decent week. More production snags than are typical for us though (CNC and communication related).

Week rating: 6 out of 10

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"I thoroughly enjoy getting the emails that, in a short, succinct way, clearly give an overview of the projects you are working on.

I like how you enjoy the highs of the job and let us know about the lows, which everyone has, so it's relatable.

I know it must take time to do this weekly digest, but it's one of the highlights of my day when I get to read it. Thank you and carry on!"

- Wendee