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The Upland Story

Remember Flint Hills Design? Yeah, that was us.

We started as Flint Hills Design, an interdisciplinary design firm, in 2008. In the beginning we mostly did web design work (which we still do today under the Flint Hills Web Design brand).

But as our business evolved, we became more and more focused on museum work. And that's our sole focus today--designing and building the best damn museum exhibits and exhibit display furniture around.

For those that only know us from recent years, you probably found us through one of our Upland products.

These products are unique. We've carefully curated the best ideas from our years of experience and refined them for manufacturing, so we can provide bespoke exhibit furniture at a lower cost than custom projects command.

At this point, you can find our products all across North America, in tiny museums to national institutions.

Upland museum fabrication

At Upland our roots run deep, and every day we draw on our influences and experiences as we continue to create beautiful custom exhibits and innovative display products.

So whether you need a complete custom exhibit from us or just want to order a few of our products, we're happy to help.

Let's build something beautiful. Together.

From Here Onward.